Scientology and Cancer

I survived and cancer burned the last vestige (I hope!) of the insanity of Scientology out of me. And for that I am eternally grateful.

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Outward Bound

In the end I decided on the Idaho program, a 28 day trip, 14 days in the Sawtooth Mountains backpacking and mountaineering and 14 days river rafting on the Snake River. The program was the following summer… My folks paid the $300 for the tuition and I was ready to go.

West Texas, Aliens and Other Strange Rangers

The darkness was almost complete. The car’s headlights seemed to make no difference, they were just swallowed up in the deep darkness of the West Texas night…we hurtled east, along interstate 10 stoned out of our minds when suddenly there were lights, signs, a detour and then, immediately, a road block. A flood light beamed... Continue Reading →

Running Away

Interstate Highways are like arteries. If you stand on the edge you might get swept off to god knows where. Every time you get a ride you get to hear someone’s story, and tell a new version of your own.

Climbing Out

I get in the car and the sadness takes me places, down certain streets, avoiding others…the sun filters through the trees and creates shadows, I stop to marvel at its greatness. A song comes across the radio, and I sing out loud, in defiance, tears streaming down my face.

Tales from the Bog

Some brave soul is trying to set the car on fire. The gas cap is off, on the ground. He is standing about 8 feet from the car lighting matches and trying to flick a lit one into the open hole for the gas tank. But its not that easy. The matches go out before they enter the hole. He edges closer and tries again, no luck.

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